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Animated PowerPoint 2007 Templates

Posted on: May, 2010 By: Art Holden
We've been busy enhancing the animation available in our PowerPoint 2007 templates.  Most of our animated templates include a video background which has caused some issues with PowerPoint 2007.  In the newest version of PowerPoint 2010 you can place text and other elements over the top of video.  That is not the case in older versions of PowerPoint.

But the good news is we have found some creative ways to include the popular video animations in our PowerPoint 2007 templates.  All of our most popular animated templates have been updated to make better use of the video background.

[swfobj src="http://www.presentermedia.com/uploads/2010/05/animated_ppt.swf"]

An example of an Animated PowerPoint Template for PowerPoint 2007.
Here is a list of our PowerPoint templates which have recently been updated with enhanced video animation:

Global Network

Work Force

Stand Out on the Wave

Liquid Light

Networking Connection

Red Leader

Social Networking Connection

Business Freedom

Pitch Me Your Idea

Head with Gears

Missing Piece

Orange Rain

Science Experiments

Teamwork Raise Bar

Green Earth Butterfly

View all our animated templates here.

a banner showing the text PowerPoint Templates and get started for Presentermedia
By: Art Holden
Art Holden has been involved in presentation and animation graphic content since 1990. He had the pleasure of creating one of the very first animation websites on the internet, Animation Factory. For 13 years he managed and created media for Animation Factory. He is now a part-owner and an employee working full time at PresenterMedia. His hobbies outside of work revolve around being involved in the bicycling community in Sioux Falls, SD. He never misses an opportunity to get on his bike and enjoy a ride.

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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