A stick figure tries to decide whether to select a check mark or cancel symbol.
Stick Figure Holding Check Or Cancel
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from whats-the-deal-pid-33466 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from What's the Deal PowerPoint Gameshow preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from What's the Deal PowerPoint Gameshow preview three.
What's the Deal PowerPoint Gameshow
A widescreen presentation slide from mental-health-pid-33683 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Mental Health Awareness PowerPoint Template for Presentations preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Mental Health Awareness PowerPoint Template for Presentations preview three.
Mental Health Awareness PowerPoint Template for Presentations
A widescreen presentation slide from insurance-protection-pid-33561 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Umbrella Insurance PowerPoint Slides preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Umbrella Insurance PowerPoint Slides preview three.
Umbrella Insurance PowerPoint Slides
An animation of a stick figure checking four box with a mark.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Drawing Four Check Marks (Non - Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking three box with a mark.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Draw Three Check Marks (Non - Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking one box with a mark.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Drawing One Check Mark (Non - Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking two box with a mark.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Drawing Two Check Marks (Non - Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking four boxes with a check mark.
Stick Figure Drawing Four Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking three boxes with a check mark.
Stick Figure Drawing Three Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking two box with a mark.
Stick Figure Drawing Two Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking one box with a mark.
Stick Figure Drawing One Check Mark
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a marker pen checking off three boxes down a list.
Marker Drawing Three Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure trying to decide between two custom text signs.
Make A Custom Choice
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure trying to decide between a yes and a no sign.
A Choice To Make
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure trying to make a choice which direction to go.
Which Direction To Follow
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure trying to make a choice which way to go.
Which Direction To Go?
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure with a pencil checking the last box on a yellow clipboard with room for custom text behind each box.
Check Custom Text Off Your List
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a woman stick figure with a pencil checking the last box on a yellow clipboard.
Woman Checks It Off Her List
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure with a pencil checking boxes on a yellow clipboard. Next to those boxes are spots to put your own custom text
Check It Off The List Text
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure with a pencil checking the last box on a yellow clipboard.
Check It Off Your List
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure with a pencil checking boxes on a yellow clipboard.
Check Off With Pencil
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure drawing a red check mark in multiple boxes.
Stick Figure Drawing Checklist
Presentation Clipart
In this customizable video a stick figure faces the decision of which path to take and which door to go through.
Door Options Text
Video Background
Orange Check Mark In Box
Presentation Clipart
Red Check Mark In Box
Presentation Clipart
This green checkmark clipart shows a gray box checked off.
Green Check Mark In Box
Presentation Clipart
Blue Check Mark In Box
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure drawing multiple red check marks in multiple boxes.
Figure Drawing Marks On Checklist
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure trying to figure out which way to go in a cluster of arrows and signs.
Signs Going Everywhere
Presentation Clipart

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