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Productivity Pictograph Template

Item #: 30901

Type: Presentation Clipart

Visualize Efficient Time Management

This editable pictograph template features the title "PRODUCTIVITY" in bold, capitalized letters at the top, with the subtitle "Time Management" beneath it. Below the subtitle is an hourglass centered in the image with sand flowing from the top to the bottom section, flanked by two sets of emoji-style icons representing people on either side.

The concept of productivity in this pictograph template suggests a focus on efficient time management. The hourglass symbolizes the passage of time and its finite nature, while the balanced arrangement of icons implies equal distribution or comparison.

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Customize this Pictograph

By clicking the Customize This Item button above, you can change text, add an image, delete elements, or access the pictograph editor to change the icons, add or decrease icons, and change the layout. This feature allows you to tailor the pictograph to fit your needs and preferences. Whether you need to adjust the content for a particular audience or modify the design for a unique presentation, the customization options provide great flexibility. Make your pictograph truly your own with these easy-to-use tools.

Education and Business Representation

This image could represent the importance of effectively managing time for students and educators in an educational context. For businesses, it emphasizes maximizing efficiency and output within available time frames. The gender-specific icons may indicate a study or statistics related to gender differences in productivity. The presence of multiple identical icons could suggest teamwork or collective effort toward productivity goals. This pictograph is a visual metaphor for measuring and comparing efficiency across different demographics.

Ways to Use this in PowerPoint and Google Slides as an Infographic

  • Illustrate key points about time management strategies during training sessions.
  • Showcase gender-related productivity statistics in workplace diversity presentations.
  • Emphasize the importance of teamwork in meeting project deadlines.
  • Compare historical data on efficiency improvements over time within an organization.

Adding this clipart image to a slide in one of our PowerPoint templates can create a visual focal point to accompany the presentation slide message. It helps break down complex information into a more digestible format, enhancing audience engagement and retention of the presented material.

Use in Media Designs with Transparent Background

This image's transparent PNG background makes it versatile for various media design projects. It allows designers to place this pictograph over different backgrounds without clashing edges or unwanted frames. To remove the background from view, one can simply click on the visibility icon next to the 'background layer' within their design software's layers tab. This flexibility enhances its utility across diverse design needs.

Finding More Pictographs

You can find many more standout Pictographs for visual aids. These pictographs enhance your presentations and make your data more visually appealing. Explore our collection to find the perfect visual aids for your next project.


pictograph productivity time management efficiency hourglass comparison

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