In this seasonal animated clipart, a cartoon sun holds up a sign declaring summer.
Cartoon Sun Holding Summer Sign
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a hot cartoon sun perspires in the heat.
Hot Cartoon Sun
PowerPoint Animation
In this animated clipart, a cartoon sun basks in the summer heat.
Happy Cartoon Sun
PowerPoint Animation
A cartoon summer sun wears sunglasses and sweats in the hot summer sun.
Hot Summer Sun
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Illustrated Sun wearing Sunglasses.
3D Illustrated Sun With Sunglasses Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Illustrated Sun With Palm Trees scene.
3D Illustrated Sun With Palm Trees Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Download this cartoon summer sun clipart image to instantly add a theme of summer to your presentation slide or media design.
Cartoon Summer Sun Clipart
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure holding the earth in the palm of his hands.  This could be used as a concept of the world at your fingertips, or as a concept of God.
Stick Figure Hold Earth
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Illustrated Sun.
3D Illustrated Sun Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Illustrated Sun and Clouds
3D Illustrated Sun and Clouds Clipart
Presentation Clipart
 This clipart image shows hands holding the planet earth.  This graphic could be used in environmental and business presentations.
World In Hands
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure catching a flight on a luggage representing an airplane.
Riding Luggage Airplane
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a large stick figure sitting piggyback on top of a commercial airplane.
Airplane Passenger Ride
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a large stick figure sitting on a commercial airplane.
Hold On Tight
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a crab surfing on a surf board with a large smile on it's face.  The crab is also wearing sunglasses and holding onto a large ice cream cone.  Use this fun clipart image for all of your summer, vacation, and beach related presentations.
Surfing Summer Crab
Presentation Clipart
An image of James holding a globe.
James Holding Globe
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure pointing to North American on earth.
Stick Figure Pointing North America
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a cartoon crab wearing sunglasses.  The crab is raising the sunglasses with one claw, and looking towards the viewer with a happy expression on it's face.  Use this fun seasonal clipart for all of your summer and vacation themed presentations.
Cool Crab Wearing Sunglasses
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features the young presentation character Sally running towards some summer fun.  Sally is wearing a swimsuit and sunglasses, while holding up a pool flotation tube around her waist.  Sally is also carrying a beach towel, which is flapping in the breeze as she runs towards summer fun.  A cartoon crab is flying through the air, as it holds onto the end of Sally's beach towel.  Use this clipart image for all of your fun summer presentation needs.
Sally Running Summer Fun
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features the young presentation character Timmy running towards some summer fun.  Timmy is wearing a swimsuit and sunglasses, while holding up a pool flotation tube around his waist.  Timmy is also carrying a beach towel, which is flapping in the breeze as he runs towards summer fun.  A cartoon crab is flying through the air, as it holds onto the end of Timmy's beach towel.  Use this clipart image for all of your fun summer presentation needs.
Timmy Running Summer Fun
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure carrying the heavy weight of the world on his shoulders. A good image to indicate responsibilities, duties, stress, or obligations.
Figure Carrying World On Shoulders
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a single tall cactus.  It is growing out of a small pile of dirt.  Use the customizer to adjust the color of the cactus, to fit your presentation needs.
Individual Cactus
Presentation Clipart
Sunglasses Custom Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
Sunglasses Custom
Presentation Clipart
An image of a solar eclipse. (Note: Best viewed on a black background)
Solar Eclispe Sky
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from sustainable-planet-earth-pid-26697 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Earth Sustainability PowerPoint Themed Slides preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Earth Sustainability PowerPoint Themed Slides preview three.
Earth Sustainability PowerPoint Themed Slides
This clipart image features the presentation character Jada holding two small planets while sitting on a large number one.  Jada has a joyful expression on her face, while she holds up the two planets with each hand.  Use this clipart image as a visual representation of the idiom, "Best Of Both Worlds."
Best Of Both Worlds
Presentation Clipart
A blank circular sign sits on a pile of sand on the beach as tropical palm trees and beach items surround it.
Tropical Beach Sign
Presentation Clipart
Download this video background of the Sun, showcasing nuclear fusion, life-giving energy, and powerful solar storms.
Fiery Sun Solar Flares Video
Video Background
Download this Hot Air Balloons in the Clouds Video Background - Serene and Magical
Hot Air Balloons In The Clouds Video
Video Background
This clipart image features the young presentation character Timmy enjoying a summer vacation.  Timmy is wearing a swimsuit and sunglasses, and has a happy expression on his face.  Timmy is holding onto an ice cream cone in one hand, and a colorful beach ball in the other hand.  A happy cartoon crab is on the ground next to Timmy, waving to the camera.  A palm tree resides in the background, to signify being on a beach or body of water.  Use this clipart image for all of your presentations of vacation, summer, and outdoor activities.
Timmy Summer Vacation
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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