A group of social media icons sit on the screen of a smart phone.
Smart Phone Social Media
Presentation Clipart
This clip art shows an app icon with a bird in the middle
Tweet App Icon
Presentation Clipart
A group of blue birds rest on the arms and shoulders of a stick figure. This clip-art can represent someone having followers through social media.
Birds On Stick Figure
Presentation Clipart
A social media birdie holds a blank sign.
Birdie Holding Sign
Presentation Clipart
A tweet being shown going form one phone to another
Presentation Clipart
A piece of clipart showing you communicating with your followers.
Talking With Your Followers
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from social-media-template-pid-24570 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Media PPT Template preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Media PPT Template preview three.
Social Media PPT Template
An image of a group of social media icon buttons.
Circular Social Media Icons
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a female business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Female Smart Phone (Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a female business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Female Smart Phone (Non-Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Flow Smart Phone - Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Flow Smart Phone - Non Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a smart phone with social media icons floating off the screen.
Smart Phone Floating Media Icons
Presentation Clipart
An image of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating into the screen.
Holding Big Smart Phone Icons
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a shiny tweet bird.
Social Media Bird
Presentation Clipart
This animations shows to sweet birds flying between phones.
Tweet Birdie Flying Between Phones
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure standing & talking on a box communicating with social media icons.
Talking Social Media
Presentation Clipart
A close-up of a smartphone screen with social media icons, set against blurred city lights at night.
Social Media Nightscape
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure hold out a tweet bird in its hand.
Holding A Tweet Bird
Presentation Clipart
A single Like drops from the sky but is soon surrounded by a field full of Likes and Loves as they rain down from above. After the first 5 seconds, the upper half of the frame is available  copy space. A great background to tell people to "Follow us on Facebook" or other social media channels.
Likes And Loves
Video Background
This clip art shows a stick figure walking looking at phone while following tweet birds.
Following Tweets
Presentation Clipart
A blue toon-style bird.
Toony Bird
Presentation Clipart
 A redish orange angry ball emoji glares at you. A social media icon for an angry reaction.
Sphere Angry
Presentation Clipart
A sad little emoji crying. A social media sad icon or emoji.
Sphere Sad
Presentation Clipart
A yellow emoji character looks on with a wow expression. An icon similar to social media wow reactions.
Sphere Wow
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure holds a giant hashtag symbol with custom text behind it. This clip-art can represent social media.
Hashtag Custom Text
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure holds a giant hashtag symbol. This clip-art can represent social media.
Figure Hold Hashtag
Presentation Clipart
A happy laughing icon for LOL and social media.
Sphere Lol
Presentation Clipart
A red ball with a heart to signify love of something. Similar to social media icons.
Sphere Love
Presentation Clipart
Customize the screen of this smartphone resting on a charging stand.  Add as a visual aid to your presentation slides and media designs
Phone on Stand
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.