An animation of a smart phone with a bar graph rising up and down.
Smart Phone Bar Stats
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a smart phone with a bar graph rising out from surface.
Smart Phone Statistics
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a female business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Female Smart Phone (Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a female business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Female Smart Phone (Non-Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Flow Smart Phone - Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating out of the screen.
Icon Flow Smart Phone - Non Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a business figure holding a big smart phone with social media icons floating into the screen.
Holding Big Smart Phone Icons
Presentation Clipart
An image of a smart phone with social media icons floating off the screen.
Smart Phone Floating Media Icons
Presentation Clipart
An image of a group of social media icon buttons.
Circular Social Media Icons
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from social-network-pid-20770 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Social Network preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Social Network preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Social Network preview four.
Social Network
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from social-network-pid-20769 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Network preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Network preview three.
Social Network
Template for PowerPoint
A stick figure is shown leaning against a smart phone.
Stick Figure Leaning On Smart Phone
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from tablet-apps-pid-10860 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Tablet Apps Interactive preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Tablet Apps Interactive preview three.
Tablet Apps Interactive
Template for PowerPoint
Customize the screen on his clipart of a hand holding up smartphone.  Add to presentation slides and media designs as a visual focal point.
Holding Up Smartphone Clipart - Customizable
Presentation Clipart
Download or customize this pictograph showing global internet access disparity, highlighting regional inequalities in connectivity and digital inclusion.
Global Internet Pictograph Template
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a phone with a blank square discussion box with room to put your custom text and design. You can also change the color of the screen and custom text bubble.
Smart Phone Custom Popup Box
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a phone with a blank square discussion box with room to put your custom text and design. You can also change the color of the screen and custom text bubble.
Smart Phone Custom Text Block
Presentation Clipart
This custom clip art image shows a cell phone with a custom screen for you to put your own design or text.
Smart Phone Custom Block
Presentation Clipart
An image of a phone with a blank square discussion box with room to put your custom text.
Smart Phone Texting Block Text
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a smart phone with a square discussion box popup and closing with the ability to add custom text.
Smart Phone Popup Text
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a colored figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface.
Smart Phone Swipe Screen
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface.
Smart Phone Categories
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface. Which each of the four screen can be customized with your own design.
Custom Smart Phone Screen
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface with custom text spots.
Custom Smart Phone Swipe Screen
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure pushing a button scrolling through a smart phone interface with custom text spots.
Custom Smart Phone Categories
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a smart phone with a push-pin pointing and moving to the location.
Gps Phone Directions (LOOPING)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a smart phone with a push-pin pointing and moving to the location.
Gps Phone Directions (NON-LOOPING)
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from devices-highway-pid-11890 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Devices Highway preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Devices Highway preview three.
Devices Highway
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from social-media-template-pid-24570 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Media PPT Template preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Social Media PPT Template preview three.
Social Media PPT Template
Customize this four-item matrix pictograph with your settings  for clear data visualization and easy comparison across four categories.
Four Item Matrix Comparison Pictograph Template
Presentation Clipart

Professionally designed 3D clip art for PowerPoint presentations. All of our images are easily used in any presentation and over any color background. Our images can be downloaded as transparent PNGs. This means they have a clear background and have already been isolated. Simply cut and paste into your presentation or any of our PowerPoint Templates.

Our Clip Art also works great on your web site, blog, Facebook page, mobile applications and more.

Since we are also the artists who make the clipart, we are constantly adding new clip art to PresenterMedia. In fact we add new clip art images nearly every day. We love suggestions from our members, let us know what you'd like to see on PresenterMedia.

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.