A group of business team members huddle together to brainstorm an idea in this conceptual clipart.
Brainstorming Idea
Presentation Clipart
A conference table surrounded by six chairs has a light bulb in the center lighting up.  This animation displays a concept of business teamwork, innovative brainstorming, and conceptualization.
Conference Table Meeting Idea
PowerPoint Animation
A sketch of a figure pulling on a cord to a lightbulb turning it on.
Turn The Creativity On
Presentation Clipart
An image of a group of stick figures with one of them standing up with an idea.
Corporate Think Tank Solution
Presentation Clipart
Brains shown thinking underneath a storm cloud.
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure sitting on a block standing up with an idea.
Solution Single Thinker
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a group of stick figures with one of them standing up with an idea.
Solution Group Thinking
PowerPoint Animation
A non-looping animation of a group of stick figures with all of them standing up with an idea. This animation is a single playback animation. When customizing choose 1 ppt or 1 web for #Loops.
Everyone Stand Up Idea
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a group of stick figures with all of them standing up with an idea.
Everyone Has An Idea
PowerPoint Animation
Download this Halloween zombie clipart, symbolizing a sudden idea or realization, with humor in the juxtaposition of the undead.
Zombie Clipart: Ideas Brought to Life
PowerPoint Animation
An image of two lightbulbs intersecting to form one idea.
Combine Your Ideas
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure fitting the missing piece to the puzzle.
Missing Puzzle Piece Completion- Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure fitting the missing piece to the puzzle.
Group Missing Puzzle Piece - Non Looping
PowerPoint Animation
An image of two figures pushing light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Businessmen Merge Idea
Presentation Clipart
A group of stick figures are shown being talked to by a stick figure with a megaphone
Rally The Troops
Presentation Clipart
An animation of two male business figures pushing light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Businessmen Ideas Merging
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure thinking and coming up with an idea while a drawing of light bulb appears above.
Jolly Great Idea!
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure thinking and coming up with an idea while a light bulb appears on the chalkboard.
Look Who Has An Idea
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure thinking in front of a chalkboard with an illuminated light bulb drawn on it.
What A Great Idea
Presentation Clipart
This clipart animation shows a stick figure with an idea light bulb over his head. There is room around the light bulb to put your custom text.  This animation would be great for presentations about innovation, brainstorming, problem solving and great ideas.
Bright Idea Text
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from bright-idea-pid-7527 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Bright Idea preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Bright Idea preview three.
Bright Idea
Template for PowerPoint
A non-looping animation of two stick figures pushing together two light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Merging Some Ideas
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of two stick figures pushing together two light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Get Those Ideas Merging
PowerPoint Animation
An image of two female business figures pushing light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Businesswomen Merge Idea
Presentation Clipart
An animation of two female business figures pushing light bulb puzzle pieces together.
Businesswomen Ideas Merging
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure leading the race with ingenuity.
Superior Idea
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a figure with a light bulb over his head having an idea. Use this graphic for presentations about innovation, brainstorming, problem solving and great ideas.
Figure Having A Bright Idea
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure cranking a wheel to engage other gears in order to form ideas.
Bringing In Those Ideas
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a chalk stick figure with a light bulb above head, symbolizing an idea.
Chalk Figure Light bulb Idea
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure climbing up a light bulb with gears.
Reaching For That Idea
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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