Elevate projects with our hacker clipart—dark hood, sunglasses, sly smile—adding cyber intrigue and highlighting cybersecurity importance.
Cyber Hacker Clipart: Dark Hooded Jacket & Sunglasses
Presentation Clipart
Cyber Hacker Threat Clipart - This clipart depicts a hooded figure typing on a laptop, symbolizing digital threats.
Cyberhacker Threat Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from cybersecurity-powerpoint-template-pid-29595 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Cyber Security PowerPoint Themed Template preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Cyber Security PowerPoint Themed Template preview three.
Cyber Security PowerPoint Themed Template
A laptop secured with a vault metal door.
Vault Secured Laptop
Presentation Clipart
An image of a computer that is locked up with lock and chain.
Laptop Computer Locked Up
Presentation Clipart
A thief peers over a computer monitor in this concept of cyber crime. You can change the message on the monitor using our on-line tools.
Thief Behind Computer
Presentation Clipart
This custom design template shows a laptop screen with a vault door on it, which starts open and then locks shut.  You can customize the screen with your own text and images.
Custom Laptop Vault Locked
Video Background
This custom design video shows a vault lock on the screen of a laptop computer which opens to reveal the screen behind.  You  can customize the screen with you own text and images.
Custom Laptop Vault Unlocked
Video Background
Download or customize this ransomware warning clipart for cybersecurity presentations, IT security training, phishing awareness, and data protection slides.
Cybersecurity Warning Clipart for IT Security Presentations
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from digital-security-bugs-pid-24777 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Digital Security Bugs preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Digital Security Bugs preview three.
Digital Security Bugs
Template for PowerPoint
An image of a bully coming through the computer screen harassing someone.
Cyber Bully Laptop
Presentation Clipart
A policewoman stands guard in front of a computer monitor, You may customize the message on the monitor using our on-line tools.
Police Officer Cyber Security
Presentation Clipart
An image of a single metallic cloud.
Silver Cloud
Presentation Clipart
An image of a group of metallic clouds.
Silver Tech Clouds
Presentation Clipart
A hard hat resting on the corner of a laptop.
Keeping your Laptop Safe
Presentation Clipart
An image of a laptop with a police hat resting on the corner.
Police Your Laptop
Presentation Clipart
An image of a laptop wrapped with tape to put custom text on
Custom Laptop Internet Safety
Presentation Clipart
An image of a laptop wrapped with caution tape.
Laptop Internet Safety
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from identity-theft-pid-22108 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Identity Theft preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Identity Theft preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Identity Theft preview four.
Identity Theft
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from identity-theft-pid-22107 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Identity Theft preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Identity Theft preview three.
Identity Theft
Template for PowerPoint
Download a cracked shield cybersecurity clipart for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Perfect for IT security, risk management, and ransomware awareness slides.
Cracked Shield Cybersecurity Clipart for IT Risk Slides
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a female figure in a suit being followed by shadow.
Stab a person in the back - Female
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a figure in a suit being haunted by shadow.
Stab a person in the back - Male
PowerPoint Animation
Download this detective clipart, symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge, uncovering hidden truths, and directing attention to critical evidence.
Detective Woman Pointing Animation
PowerPoint Animation
Reinforce Your Message with this Cyber Security Shield Clipart — Ideal for Powerful Presentations and Visual Impact!
Cyber Security Shield Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Digital Cyber Security Lock Clipart — Ideal for Professional Presentations and Media Designs
Digital Cyber Security Lock Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A security word cloud lock shape that is fully customizable. Great for creating a cyber security word cloud graphic.  Add your personalized words, choose colors, and select a font.
Padlock Security Word Cloud
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure holding a shield on fire and sword protecting a server.
Security Wall Servers
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from homeland-security-pid-19880 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Homeland Security preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Homeland Security preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Homeland Security preview four.
Homeland Security
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from homeland-security-pid-19879 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Homeland Security Template for PowerPoint preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Homeland Security Template for PowerPoint preview three.
Homeland Security Template for PowerPoint

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© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.