An exhausted female jogger captures the struggle and determination in exercise.
Exhausted Female Jogger
Presentation Clipart
Fit senior woman jogging clipart with a big smile – ideal for health, happiness, and active lifestyle designs.
Fit Senior Woman Jogging Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Explore the dynamic 3D clipart depicting a retired individual engaged in beach volleyball, exemplifying an active and health-conscious senior lifestyle.
Active Senior Playing Volleyball Illustration
Presentation Clipart
Exercising the brain clipart: Delightful illustration featuring a brain jogging on a treadmill. This clipart depicts the importance of cognitive activity.
Exercising the Brain Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A female stick figure exercises by touching her toes.
Stick Woman Toe Touch
PowerPoint Animation
Download this image illustrates a woman filled with fruits and vegetables, symbolizing health and nutrition.
Healthy Food Woman Clipart
Presentation Clipart
An elderly women stretches and exercises.
Bernice Exercise Stretch
Presentation Clipart
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and consuming nutritious foods like apples, one may be less likely to encounter health problems.
Doctor Nutrition
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure practices kicking a soccer ball between it's two feet.
Stick Figure Soccer Practice
PowerPoint Animation
Captivating clipart of a senior woman's free diving, with flippers and scuba mask, smiling amid bubbles.
Senior Woman Free Diving Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables may maintain a healthy diet.
Fresh Fruit
Presentation Clipart
A woman practicing the plank yoga pose.
Kim App Yoga Plank
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the lunge yoga pose.
Kim App Yoga Lunge
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the plank yoga pose.
Kim Practice Yoga Plank
PowerPoint Animation
Kim takes a jog in her running outfit.
Kim Jogging
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the crescent lunge yoga pose.
Kim App Yoga Crescent Lunge
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the crescent lunge yoga pose.
Kim Practice Yoga Crescent Lunge
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the upward facing dog yoga pose.
Kim App Yoga Upward Facing Dog
PowerPoint Animation
A woman practicing the upward facing dog yoga pose.
Kim Practice Yoga Upward Facing Dog
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from wellness-wheel-pid-26779 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Wellness Wheel PowerPoint Diagram with Interactive Slides preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Wellness Wheel PowerPoint Diagram with Interactive Slides preview three.
Wellness Wheel PowerPoint Diagram with Interactive Slides
A woman is sports attire goes for a run.
Female Running
PowerPoint Animation
Taking a sick day can be necessary and important for one's health and well-being.
Sick Day
Presentation Clipart
A woman in business attire, balancing precariously on a blue ball with customizable text, a concept of focus and balance.
Stay Focused
Presentation Clipart
Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables may maintain a healthy diet.
Healthy Eating Question
Presentation Clipart
Kim practicing a yoga lunge.
Kim Practice Yoga Lunge
PowerPoint Animation
A woman steps on a scale and we see a time-lapse of her loosing weight.
Lainee Weight Loss
PowerPoint Animation
Download this illustration showing two women in a supportive conversation, symbolizing friendship and therapy.
Incorporate Two-Person Support Meeting Clipart into Your Presentations
Presentation Clipart
This image depicts a brain surrounded by splashes of water, symbolizing brainwashing and transformation.
Brain Wash Clipart Image
Presentation Clipart
A woman in exercise clothes does her pre-exercise warm-up.
Lainee Stretching
PowerPoint Animation
A 3D animation of a figure doing push ups. This is an animated clipart image that could be used to represent strength fitness or health.
3D Figure Push Up
PowerPoint Animation

Professionally designed 3D clip art for PowerPoint presentations. All of our images are easily used in any presentation and over any color background. Our images can be downloaded as transparent PNGs. This means they have a clear background and have already been isolated. Simply cut and paste into your presentation or any of our PowerPoint Templates.

Our Clip Art also works great on your web site, blog, Facebook page, mobile applications and more.

Since we are also the artists who make the clipart, we are constantly adding new clip art to PresenterMedia. In fact we add new clip art images nearly every day. We love suggestions from our members, let us know what you'd like to see on PresenterMedia.

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© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.