This animation shows a woman figure popping out and waving.
Woman Flat Peeking Out From Behind Waving
PowerPoint Animation
This flat style animation shows a man figure popping out and pointing to the side.
Man Flat Peek Out From Behind Pointing
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman comes from behind a hidden wall and waves.
Business Man Emote Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman comes from behind a hidden wall and points to your presentation.
Business Man Emote Peek Point
PowerPoint Animation
Elevate presentations and Projects with this Businessman Character Peek & Point Animation. Capturing attention & adding humor while directing focus.
Businessman Character Peek and Point
PowerPoint Animation
<p>Kylie appears from behind a hidden wall, and points to a presentation while giving a smile.</p>
Kylie Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a woman figure popping out and pointing to the side.
Woman Flat Peek Out From Behind Pointing
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman peeks from behind a hidden wall and waves.
Business Woman Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art image shows a figure in a pose waving its hand.
Figure Waving Gesture Pose
Presentation Clipart
Stick figure is shown standing and waving on custom text.
Stick Figure Waving On Text
PowerPoint Animation
A woman stick figure waves her hand back and fourth.
Woman Figure Waving
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure character waves its right hand.
Stick Figure Waving Hand
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure waves while standing next to a blank sign.
Stick Figure Waving with Sign
PowerPoint Animation
Data emerges from behind an imaginary wall, and gives a wave.  Use this cheery animation to greet people at the beginning of a presentation along with a fun message to say welcome.
Data Peek-A-Boo Wave
PowerPoint Animation
This flat design animation shows a man spinning the earth on her finger.
Man Flat Globe Spinning
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design animation shows a figure push a large sign out and gesturing to what's on it.  Add this PowerPoint animation to any 
<a href="https://www.presentermedia.com/powerpoint-templates/templates.html">PowerPoint templates</a> slide to visually call out a message in a unique way.
Man Pushing Custom Sign
PowerPoint Animation
This flat design animation shows a man figure gesturing to the side.
Man Guesture To Side
PowerPoint Animation
This flat design animation shows a man figure gesturing downward.
Man Flat Gestures Down
PowerPoint Animation
This custom reveal animation shows a banner ribbon animation popping up with customizable text on it.  Using our online customizer tool, quickly change the text, color, and image your own.  

<h2>Where do you use your downloaded animation?</h2>
<li>Insert in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote for an exciting callout on a slide.</li>
<li>Use in Blog Posts to make a visual statement.</li>
<li>Share on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to accompany your message.</li>
<li>load into any video editing software project</li>
<li>Easy to use in our <a href="https://www.presentermedia.com/slideclips.html">SlideClips Video Maker</a></li>

View our  <a href="">PowerPoint templates category</a>  to find slides to add this animation too.
Ribbon Banner Reveal Animation
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman comes from behind a hidden wall and points to your presentation.
Business Woman Peek And Point
PowerPoint Animation
<p>Kylie appears from behind an imaginary wall, greeting the viewer with a large smile and a wave.</p>
Kylie Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
Data appears from behind an imaginary wall, takes a look around, and then gives two thumbs up.
Data Peek-A-Boo Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
Santa leans out from behind a wall and waves.
Santa Claus Peek Wave
PowerPoint Animation
Santa leans out from behind a wall and waves then points to the side.
Santa Claus Point
PowerPoint Animation
A blonde female waves hello.
Lilly Waving
PowerPoint Animation
A man in a cape and mask standing in a confident stance, ready to take on whatever comes his way.
Man in Superhero Pose Wearing a Cape and Mask
Presentation Clipart
A 3D business character appears on the right side of the frame and waves at the viewer.
Businessman Wave
Video Background
Download this Man Business Hero Animation to symbolize power and professionalism in your presentations and media designs.
Man Business Hero Animation Clip
PowerPoint Animation
This flat design animation shows a man figure gesturing upward.
Man Flat Gestures Up
PowerPoint Animation
Download this Business Man Hero Clipart: Symbolizing leadership & success. Ideal for marketing & social media.
Business Man Hero Clipart
Presentation Clipart

Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing

© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.