A business gestures her presentation with a smile.
Business Woman Emote Showcase
PowerPoint Animation
Santa's helper peeks out from behind a wall and points to your presentation.
Santas Helper Peek Point
PowerPoint Animation
A blonde female waves hello.
Lilly Waving
PowerPoint Animation
A woman doing the floss dance.
Woman Doing Floss Dance
PowerPoint Animation
Santa's Helper pops out from behind a wall and waves then throws up a peace sign.
Santas Helper Peek Wave Peace
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure with wide open arms waiting to greet a visitor or an old friend.  A great image to use as a welcome to my presentation or website.  The image says: hi I'm so glad you are here.
Stickwoman Welcome Arms
Presentation Clipart
A mask wearing stick figure with wide open arms waiting to greet a visitor or an old friend.  A great image to use as a welcome to my presentation or website.  The image says: hi I'm so glad you are here.
Stickwoman Mask Welcome Arms
Presentation Clipart
A female business fox leans into view and waves.
Business Fox Female Peek A Boo Wave
PowerPoint Animation
A teenage girl gestures to the side. This clip-art can be used to help present another image or text.
Teen Girl Gesture Side
Presentation Clipart
An image of a young woman jumping in celebration.
Talia Jumping Celebration
Presentation Clipart
An image of a female figure jumping up in excitement.
Woman Jumping Celebration
Presentation Clipart
Santa's helper peeks up from behind a wall and gives two thumbs up.
Santas Helper Peek Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
A young woman peeks from behind a blank wall.
Young Woman Behind Blank Wall
Presentation Clipart
A young professional woman standing talking on a cell phone.
Young Girl Professional Phone
Presentation Clipart
A young woman displaying something to her right. (insert your own graphic)
Young Girl Presenting Right
Presentation Clipart
A young woman standing talking on a cell phone.
Young Girl Talking Cell Phone
Presentation Clipart
A faceless woman juggles faces with different expressions. This clip-art can represent someone trying to find their identity.
Yolanda Juggle Faces
Presentation Clipart
A teen girl peeks from behind a blank wall.
Teen Girl Behind Blank Wall
Presentation Clipart
A happy business woman holds a pile of money.
Business Woman Hold Stack Money
Presentation Clipart
A woman happily hugs a giant roll of toilet paper.
Woman Hug Giant Toilet Paper
Presentation Clipart
A business woman enjoys a good laugh.
Business Talia Emote Laughing
Presentation Clipart
A business woman enjoys a good laugh.
Business Talia Emote Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman peeks from behind a hidden wall and waves.
Business Woman Peek And Wave
PowerPoint Animation
Inside an open head sits a smaller business woman working on a computer at a desk.
Business Woman Inside Head
Presentation Clipart
An image of a young girl presenting something to her left.
Young Girl Professional Display
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure drawing a smiley face with pen and then wiping it off.
Erasable Smiley Face
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure lifting up a picture of a smiley face to head.
Put On A Happy Face
PowerPoint Animation
A female business fox leans into view and points.
Business Fox Female Peek A Boo Point
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure jumping while holding a sign of a smiley face.
Happy Face Stick Figure Jumping
Presentation Clipart
An animation of three businesswomen giving each other a high five.
Businesswomen Team High Five
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.