An image of a figure posed speaking into a megaphone.
Emphatic Bullhorn Figure
Presentation Clipart
A image of custom text coming out of a megaphone
Custom Text Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
An image of a single bullhorn-megaphone.
Single Bullhorn
Presentation Clipart
An image of a small stick figure being silenced by a big brother figure putting hand over megaphone.
Figure Being Quieted
Presentation Clipart
A businessman uses a megaphone to get out his message.
Business Grant Emote Megaphone
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a 3D figure speaking through a bullhorn or megaphone. A concept of getting your message out to a crowd.
Figure Speaking Through a Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
An image of a woman holding a red bullhorn or megaphone.  A concept of getting your message out or getting the attention of a crowd.
Woman With Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
An image of a 3D figure holding a red bullhorn or megaphone.  A concept of getting your message out or getting the attention of a crowd.
Figure With Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
An image of three loud speakers hanging from a pole.
Three Loud Speakers
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure standing on top of a skyscraper shouting through a megaphone. A concept of broadcasting or getting your message out.
Shouting From The Rooftop
Presentation Clipart
An image of a 3D figure standing on the top of a skyscraper holding a megaphone a shouting his message to the world.  A concept of broadcasting or getting your message out.
Shout From Roof
Presentation Clipart
A 3D Awareness Ribbon Megaphone Clipart with editing tools to customize the design and make it your own.
3D Awareness Ribbon Megaphone - Customizable Mockup
Presentation Clipart
A business woman makes a speech using a megaphone.
Business Talia Emote Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
A business woman makes a speech using a megaphone.
Business Talia Emote Megaphone
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a figure pumping its fist as it shouts into a megaphone.
Figure Megaphone Protest
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design clip art image shows a figure wearing a sandwich board sign while pumping its fist as it shouts into a megaphone.  You can customize the board to your own text and image using our online customizer.
Figure With Megaphone Wearing Sign
Presentation Clipart
This custom design animation shows a figure wearing a sandwich board sign while pumping its fist as it shouts into a megaphone.  You can customize the board to your own text and image using our online customizer.
Figure With Megaphone Wearing Sign
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a monster character shouting through a megaphone.
Monster Megaphone Protest
PowerPoint Animation
Use this animated megaphone gif to highlight announcements, key points, and calls to action in presentations and marketing materials.
Animated Megaphone for Announcements and Marketing
PowerPoint Animation
Download this police emoji animation using a megaphone to symbolize authority and urgent announcements or alerts.
Police Emoji Announcement Alert Animation
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from create-your-expressions-pid-13282 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Create Your Expressions preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Create Your Expressions preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Create Your Expressions preview four.
Create Your Expressions
Template for PowerPoint
Download this animation clip of  teacher holding a microphone to add a visual add to a message about public speaking, authority, and being heard.
Teacher With Megaphone Animation
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art image shows a black icon with a speaker producing sound symbol on it.
Sound Square Icon
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from reaching-out-to-communicate-pid-17865 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Reaching Out To Communicate preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Reaching Out To Communicate preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Reaching Out To Communicate preview four.
Reaching Out To Communicate
Template for PowerPoint
An image of a director speaking with a megaphone.
Director Sitting In Chair
Presentation Clipart
A completely editable video background uses a smartphone and a megaphone to illustrate the concept of digital marketing.
Digital Marketing
Video Background
A teacher's confident posture and megaphone highlight the importance of clear communication in education, fostering effective learning.
Teacher With Megaphone
Presentation Clipart
Download this police megaphone video symbolizing authority and the spread of important information.
Police Announcement Megaphone Clipart
Presentation Clipart
An editable clipart image of a woman teacher with a megaphone. Change elements are add or remove the text to suit your theme.
School Announcement
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image shows a stick character yelling at the earth through a megaphone.  This graphic could be used in presentations where a global point of view is being shared.
Yelling At Earth
Presentation Clipart

Our PowerPoint templates with business and financial themes feature pre-designed charts and graphs. There are several slides included with customized SmartArt.

Use an animated template to help your business stand out and make an impact. Our business PowerPoint templates will work in all versions of PowerPoint.

Several of our PPT templates feature removable 3D clip art. You can add additional clipart to our PowerPoint templates from our library of 3D clipart.

Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing

© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.