An image of a small figure trying to push a very large rock.
Move The Impossible
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure working hard to push a large ball up the hill.
Impossible Pushing Heavy Ball
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design illustration shows a figure pushing a large ball up an arrow. <br> Using the customizer you can change the text on ball your own words and also add images.
Figure Pushing Custom Ball Up Arrow
Presentation Clipart
This custom design illustration shows a figure pushing a large ball up an arrow. <br> Using the customizer you can change the text on ball your own words and also add images.
Pushing Custom Ball Up Arrow
Presentation Clipart
This custom design video shows a figure pushing a large cube across a finish line.  You can customize the cube by adding your own text and images using our online customizer.
Push Big Block Finish Line
Video Background
This custom text clip art shows a karate figure doing a flying kick and breaking stone text.  You can customize the image by adding your own words using out online customizer.
Break Text Karate Kick
Presentation Clipart
This custom design video shows a figure pushing a big block onto a ending platform.  You can customize the block with your own text and images.
Figure Push Big Block Custom
Video Background
This custom design animation shows a figure pushing a large button.  <br><br> You can customize the button by adding your own text and images using our online customizer.
Stick Figure Help Button Text
PowerPoint Animation
Download this animated ant lifting the world, symbolizing strength, determination, and perseverance in overcoming great challenges.
Ant Lifting the World Clipart: Strength in Action
PowerPoint Animation
Download this animated clipart as a visual aid to represent battling and overcoming challenges no matter how big.  Use in presentation /media design.
Battling a Giant - Animation Clip
PowerPoint Animation
A clipart image showing a visual metaphor that encapsulates the determination, resilience, and relentless pursuit of success within the world of business.
Business Figure Push Boulder
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a figure chiseling itself out of a large stone.  Displays the idiom of being self made.
Figure Making Itself
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design animation shows a figure push a large sign out and gesturing to what's on it.  Add this PowerPoint animation to any 
<a href="https://www.presentermedia.com/powerpoint-templates/templates.html">PowerPoint templates</a> slide to visually call out a message in a unique way.
Man Pushing Custom Sign
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design clip art shows three figures holding up a ball with can be customized by adding your own text and images using our online customizer.
Three Figures Holding Custom Ball
Presentation Clipart
This custom design video shows a figure trying to lift a large object with custom text on it and fail, but then drink a power up drink gaining the energy to lift it.
Power Up Lift
Video Background
This animation shows a businessman character pushing a large button down.
Biz Man Pushing Button
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of Brad preventing the needle of a gauge falling too low and hitting red.
It's Tough Pushing This Gauge
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a figure pushing another one to the right arrow pathway.
Pressure No Choice
Presentation Clipart
A lion and a mouse share a tender moment, highlighting themes of friendship and courage.
Unlikely Friendship Illustrated
Presentation Clipart
An image showing Santa Claus wearing a mask and using a large candy cane to push a reindeer into proper social distancing, to help prevent the spread of a flu or virus.
Santa Pushing a Reindeer to Social Distance
Presentation Clipart
An image of a gear being pushed by 4 men.
Businessmen Push Gear
Presentation Clipart
Download or customize this young traveler holding a sign clipart symbolizing life's trials and resilience, inspiring strength amidst adversity.
Young Traveler Holding Sign Clipart
Presentation Clipart
An image of a bellhop ringing a call bell.
Call Bell Bellhop Ring
Presentation Clipart
Download this animation representing the relentless pursuit of truth and justice, symbolizing a detective's commitment to solving mysteries.
Police Detective Searching Animation
PowerPoint Animation
Download this Elephant Scared of Mouse Animation to illustration fear and anxiety.
Elephant Scared of Mouse Animation
PowerPoint Animation
This Castle on a Rock clipart image symbolizes strength, stability, and solitude. Download and use in presentations and media designs.
Castle on a Rock Clipart
Presentation Clipart
Download this dump truck clipart to symbolize heavy-duty transportation, efficiency, and progress in construction and urban development.
Dump Truck Clipart Image
Presentation Clipart
Download this video background of a hot bull on fire charging to represent a bull market, strength and power.
Hot Bull Charging Video
Video Background
Download this Halloween female vampire clipart, symbolizing allure, danger, and the elegant menace of folklore's predatory creatures.
Female Vampire Clipart: Allure & Danger
Presentation Clipart
Download this animated clipart that captures the joy and escapism music provides, symbolizing the uplifting power of an auditory experience.
Emoji Listening To Music Animation
PowerPoint Animation

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© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.