A widescreen presentation slide from cartoon-infographics-pid-17216 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Cartoon Infographics preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Cartoon Infographics preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Cartoon Infographics preview four.
Cartoon Infographics
Template for PowerPoint
A generic representation of a business woman.
Business Icon Woman
Presentation Clipart
A business woman and man strike a proud pose in this executive business clip art.
Business Man And Woman
Presentation Clipart
A generic representation of a group of business people.
Business Icon Group
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a businesswoman figure marking a location with a flag it's holding.
Business Woman Figure Holding Flag
Presentation Clipart
A 3d isometric view of an icon bust of a professional businesswoman.
Professional Woman Isometric
Presentation Clipart
An animation of three businesswomen giving each other a high five.
Businesswomen Team High Five
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman kicks a businessman in the rear. This clip-art can represent firing someone or just people having a dispute.
Business Female Kick Male
Presentation Clipart
A business woman and man shake hands over a customizable design.
Business People Greet Custom
Presentation Clipart
Download this Arguing Woman and Man - Clipart image great for representing conflict resolution.
Arguing Woman and Man Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A business woman tries to pull a sword from a stone. This clip-art can represent a business person accomplishing a great task.
Business Woman Pull Sword
Presentation Clipart
An image of a team of people pushing a target together.
Push The Bullseye
Presentation Clipart
A team of two men and two women stand as a group.
Business People Team
Presentation Clipart
A team of business people celebrate by raising a glass of champagne.
Business People Champagne Salute
PowerPoint Animation
A team of two women and two men stand as a group.
Business People Group
Presentation Clipart
Business figures walk through a lobby with your custom design on the wall.
Business Lobby Custom
Video Background
A team of business people use buckets to pour contents into and empty head.
Pouring Into Head
Presentation Clipart
An image of a group of people in front of a world showing lines connecting the world together.
World People Connection
Presentation Clipart
An isometric 3d icon of a businesswoman or professional.
Businesswoman Isometric
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a group of three figures in business attire clapping.
Group Business Clapping
PowerPoint Animation
Download this woman business Hero to represennt leadership and confidence.
Woman Business Hero Animation
PowerPoint Animation
Download this image symbolizing accessibility, user-friendliness, and diversity in digital interfaces—perfect for inclusive design themes.
Woman Casual Dressed - Icon Bust Clipart
Presentation Clipart
An image of a woman in a dress standing in a power stance with arms folded.
Power Stance Woman
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a woman business pawn figure.
Businesswoman Pawn
Presentation Clipart
An image of two business women holding some construction plans.
Businesswomen Plans Construct
Presentation Clipart
An image of two business men holding some construction plans.
Businessmen Plans Contruct
Presentation Clipart
An image of a woman dragging some over-sized books with a rope.
Talia Pulling A Load Books
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a businesswoman popping out of a briefcase and revealing an idea light bulb.
Businesswoman Reveal Light Bulb Idea
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman crosses the finish line with hands reaching in the air in celebration.  You can change to text on the sign using the text customizer.
Business Woman At Finish Line
Presentation Clipart
A business woman and man push two pieces of a puzzle together to reveal your custom design.
Push Puzzle Together Custom
Video Background

Our PowerPoint templates with business and financial themes feature pre-designed charts and graphs. There are several slides included with customized SmartArt.

Use an animated template to help your business stand out and make an impact. Our business PowerPoint templates will work in all versions of PowerPoint.

Several of our PPT templates feature removable 3D clip art. You can add additional clipart to our PowerPoint templates from our library of 3D clipart.

Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing

© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.