A stick figure gives it's two thumbs up. This clip-art can represent extreme approval.
Two Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a neutral stick figure pop up from behind a sign and give a thumbs up.
Figure Pop Out From Behind
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a guy in a tie pointing up and giving a thumbs up. Add this to a presentation design to call attention to a specific message.
Man Points Up Give Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a man in a tie point downward then giving a thumbs up.  This animation could be added a presentation design to call attention and show approval of a message or image.
Man Points Down Give Thumbs Down
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure pushing a "like" button.
Stick Figure Liking It
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure pushing a large thumbs up "LIKE" button.
Figure Pushing Like Button
Presentation Clipart
A 3D character gives the thumbs up sign in approval.
Character Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a bunny rabbit pop up from behind a sign, look at the sign and then give two thumbs up.
Bunny Pop Up From Behind Sign
PowerPoint Animation
A robot pops up and looks down at your work, then gives two thumbs-up in approval.
Retro Robot Peek Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking two box with a mark.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Drawing Two Check Marks (Non - Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure checking two box with a mark.
Stick Figure Drawing Two Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a mechanical arm with custom text on the end of it moving up and down.
Mechanical Custom Text
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a mechanical arm with a thumbs up on the end of it moving up and down.
Mechanical Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art image shows a mechanical arm with a thumbs up on the end.
Mechanical Arm Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart
An image of two 3D figures holding a green check mark.  A concept of a team completing a task or project.  A sign of approval.
Figures With Check Mark
Presentation Clipart
An image of a hand giving a thumbs up.
Hand Thumbs Up Cuff
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a marker pen checking off three boxes down a list.
Marker Drawing Three Check Marks
PowerPoint Animation
This image shows a excited businesswoman figure smiling, and giving a thumbs up.
Businesswoman Excited Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart
This image shows a excited businessman figure smiling, and giving a thumbs up.
Businessman Excited Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure pushing a large thumbs down "DISLIKE" button.
Figure Pushing Dislike Button
Presentation Clipart
Download this Cute Santa Claus giving a thumbs-up and winking, symbolizing approval and positivity.
Cute Santa Thumbs Up Wink Clipart
Presentation Clipart
A robot leans into view, looks at your design and gives a thumbs up.
Retro Robot Side Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
A business fox shows appreciation.
Business Fox Male Emote Appreciation
PowerPoint Animation
A business fox shows appreciation.
Business Fox Female Emote Appreciation
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a figure standing on top of a large green check mark, with his arms raised in celebration. A concept of a job well done, or completing a task.
Celebration On A Check Mark
Presentation Clipart
Kylie appears from behind an imaginary wall, takes a look below, and then gives two thumbs up.
Kylie Peek And Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
Data appears from behind an imaginary wall, takes a look around, and then gives two thumbs up.
Data Peek-A-Boo Thumbs Up
PowerPoint Animation
The Emoji Safety Gear Animation - The Importance of Caution
Emoji Safety Gear Approval Animation
PowerPoint Animation
A minimalist illustration of a sad stick figure on a narrow bridge between two cliffs.
Emotional Journey Illustration
Presentation Clipart
An image of a 3D Figure giving a thumbs up sign.  Could be used for a job well done or other type of congratulations.
Stickwoman Thumbs Up
Presentation Clipart

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