A dramatic landscape of cracked earth under a moody sky at sunset, evoking themes of desolation and climate change.
Desolate Landscape at Sunset
Presentation Clipart
Wind blows sand off an old artifact to reveal your custom design.
Sand Blow Away Reveal Custom
Video Background
A widescreen presentation slide from paper-holiday-pid-13522 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Paper Holiday preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Paper Holiday preview three.
Paper Holiday
Template for PowerPoint
An animated video background with pop-up Christmas elements on a theater type stage also with a pop-up sign to put your own custom text.
Custom Paper Christmas
Video Background
An image of a custom text arrow breaking through the cracked ground. Use all capital letters for best result.
Custom Text Arrow With Crack
Presentation Clipart
Put your own custom message in the sky.
Sky Text
Video Background
Write your message in the sky using our on-line tools.
Presentation Clipart
A fluffy white cloud with you custom text floating on it.
Fluffy Cloud Text
Presentation Clipart
Your custom text featured in a movie-like intro.
Feature Presentation Custom
Video Background
A blurry message appears out of the foggy sky, You can customize the message using our on-line tools.
Out Of The Mist
Presentation Clipart
Balloons form a heart in the sky as your custom text flies into view.
Valentine Heart Balloons Text
Video Background
An old leather book opens and flips pages to reveal your custom message. You can customize the cover and inside page separately in this video.
Winter Storybook Custom
Video Background
Glass-like text hangs above and urban landscape.
Glass Text
Video Background
See your custom text above and below rippling water.
Above And Below Custom
Video Background
A view of the sky as we soar through the clouds with text rolling over the clouds
Cloud Fly Through Custom
Video Background
This custom design video shows a smoke flying through the air and your custom design is revealed through the smoke.
Jet Smoke Custom
Video Background
This custom design video shows clouds passing by a big digital billboard.  You can customize the billboard screen with you own text and images.
Custom one Ad Billboard
Video Background
A custom design video of a large advertisement billboard with a blue sky and rolling clouds in the background.  You can customize three ads on this billboard with our own text and images.
Three Ad Custom Billboard
Video Background
A pile of leaves blow away to reveal your custom text underneath.
Leaves Reveal Text
Video Background
A pumpkin carved-out with your custom text sits out on a porch on a windy moonlit night. <p><b>NOTE:</b> Please use only <b>CAPITAL LETTERS</b> in this custom video.  Small case letters do not work.
Jack O Lantern Text
Video Background
This custom design video show dark clouds and gloomy sky being parted away by sunshine.  The area behind the parted clouds is set up for customization.  Add your own text and images to this area by using our online customizer.
Clouds Parting Custom
Video Background
Create your own custom flag. For best results make sure you flag image is resting against the 'seam' on the left. If you're only using text, then make sure to use a shape behind it; any space showing the checkerboard pattern will remain transparent.
Flag Blowing Custom
Video Background
Create your own custom flag. For best results make sure you flag image is resting against the 'seam' on the left. If you're only using text, then make sure to use a shape behind it; any space showing the checkerboard pattern will remain transparent.
Flag Triangle Custom
Video Background
Put your message in the clouds. Complete customization to fit your message and need.
Floating 2D Clouds With Message
Video Background
An image of a radioactive bomb laying on a cracked ground.
Bomb Cracked Ground
Presentation Clipart
A widescreen presentation slide from success-in-your-skies-pid-21713 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Success In Your Skies preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Success In Your Skies preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Success In Your Skies preview four.
Success In Your Skies
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from success-in-your-skies-pid-21693 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Success In Your Skies preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Success In Your Skies preview three.
Success In Your Skies
Template for PowerPoint
This custom text animation shows a figure hitting the cracked text with a large hammer.
Break Custom Text
PowerPoint Animation
Download this video background of a single white flower grows from cracked earth, symbolizing resilience and hope in harsh conditions.
Flower in Cracked Earth Background Image
Presentation Clipart
An image of a cross bridging the gap between a stick figure and custom text.
Custom Cross Bridge
Presentation Clipart

Download our exclusive video backgrounds to use in your PowerPoint and Keynote presentations or other video projects. Use our customization tool to change the colors in the video background before you download.

Our videos will work in any of our PowerPoint templates.

Our video backgrounds will work best in PowerPoint (PC and Mac) versions 2010 or newer or in Keynote. You can download any of our videos as a PowerPoint slide, a Quicktime movie (.mov), or a Window Media Video (.wmv).

Most videos will seamlessly loop using the repeat or loop function in PowerPoint or your favorite software.

Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing

© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.