A court jester strikes a pose to present something. The colors of this clip-art can be customized.
Jester Present Custom
Presentation Clipart
A court jester strikes a pose to present something.
Jester Presenter
Presentation Clipart
A court jest gives a bow.
Jester Bowing
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a wobbly handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
PowerPoint Animation
A court jest strikes a handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a pose.
Jester Pose
Presentation Clipart
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal Present
PowerPoint Animation
A jester takes a balloon and twists around to create a sign that you can customize.
Jester Present Custom
PowerPoint Animation
A jester juggles three balls.
Jester Juggle
PowerPoint Animation
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure juggling balls.
Clown Figure Juggling
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design  animation shows a clown balancing on a ball while holding a customizable sign.
Clown Balance Holding Sign
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure balancing on a ball.
Clown Balancing On Ball
PowerPoint Animation
A clown balances on a ball with on foot.
Clown Balancing on Ball
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a clown figure gesturing to the right.
Clown Gesturing To Side
Presentation Clipart
An image of a professional female stick figure presenting with a gesture.
Woman Professional Presenting
Presentation Clipart
An image of a professional male stick figure presenting with a gesture.
Man Professional Presenting
Presentation Clipart
A simple line drawn stick figure presenting or gesturing to its left side.
Line Figure Presents
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a stick figure behind a podium using a pointer to present.
Stick Figure At Podium With Pointer
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a female stick figure presenting with a pointer.
Woman Teacher Book Point
Presentation Clipart
An image of a male stick figure presenting with a pointer.
Man Teacher Book Point
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing to the left.
Arrow Direction Spin Left
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing to the right.
Arrow Direction Spin Right
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing down.
Arrow Direction Spin Down
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing up.
Arrow Direction Spin Up
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art image shows a clown figure popping out from behind something pointing with figure.
A Pointing Clown Pops Out From Behind
Presentation Clipart
This custom design video shows a figure walking out and pointing at one side of a board, then flips the board around and points at the other side.  <br><br>  You can customize this video by adding your own text and images using our online customizer.
Figure Presenting Custom Board
Video Background
An image of an figure giving a lesson / presentation to a group of nurses or doctors.
Presenting To Nurses or Doctors
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure gestures as talking to a group a people.
Stick Figure Podium Speech Group
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure points and laughs, slapping his knee.
Figure Laughing and Pointing
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.