A boy moves to a popular dance craze.
Boy Dancing Fad
PowerPoint Animation
A girl moves to a popular dance craze.
Girl Dancing Fad
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a couple slow dancing together.
Couple Slow Dancing Together
PowerPoint Animation
Three business people sit in chairs looking around as they wait.
Business People Sit Look
Presentation Clipart
Three business people sit in chairs looking around as they wait.
Business People Sit Look
PowerPoint Animation
Three business people sit in chairs based off the proverb to speak no evil, see no evil, and hear no evil.
Business No Speak See Listen
Presentation Clipart
Three business people sit in chairs looking around then react to something happening by covering their mouth, eyes and ears. This clip-art is based off the proverb to speak no evil, see no evil, and hear no evil.
Business No Speak See Listen
PowerPoint Animation
A man doing the floss dance.
Man Doing Floss Dance
PowerPoint Animation
Two medical personnel in scrubs and masks give each other a high-five.
Male Female Medical Scrubs Mask
PowerPoint Animation
A pair of medical professions in scrubs stand in front a waving American flag.
Hospital Staff American Flag
PowerPoint Animation
A team of business people use buckets to pour contents into and empty head.
Pouring Into Head
Presentation Clipart
Four business people packed into a partially opened sardine tin.
Business People Packed Like Sardines
Presentation Clipart
An image of a couple dancing together.
Old Couple Dancing Machines
Presentation Clipart
Three business people carry a giant light bulb. This clip-art can represent a team working on an idea together.
Business People Carry Light Bulb
PowerPoint Animation
Two business people walking along arrows meet together and high-five each other. This clip-art can represent to goals coming together for the same purpose.
Business People Meet Arrows
Presentation Clipart
A team of business people celebrate by raising a glass of champagne.
Business People Champagne Salute
PowerPoint Animation
A widescreen presentation slide from corporate-winners-circle-pid-17254 preview one.
A widescreen presentation slide from Corporate Winners Circle preview two.
A widescreen presentation slide from Corporate Winners Circle preview three.
Corporate Winners Circle
Template for PowerPoint
A widescreen presentation slide from corporate-winners-circle-pid-17248 preview one.
A standard definition presentation slide from Corporate Winners Circle preview two.
A standard definition presentation slide from Corporate Winners Circle preview three.
A standard definition presentation slide from Corporate Winners Circle preview four.
Corporate Winners Circle
Template for PowerPoint
Ants Tug Of War
Ants Tug Of War
PowerPoint Animation
A stick man waits urgently to use the men's room.
Stick Man Wait Bathroom
PowerPoint Animation
Christmas Elf Girl Club Dance
Christmas Elf Girl Club Dance
PowerPoint Animation
A woman doing the floss dance.
Woman Doing Floss Dance
PowerPoint Animation
A business woman steps from behind an invisible wall and gestures to whatever you place behind.
Business Woman Step Around Present
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a group of people in front of a world showing lines connecting the world together.
World People Connection
Presentation Clipart
The symbols Mars representing the male gender.
Gender Symbol Male
Presentation Clipart
A business man and woman tear each other's posters from a display.
Man Woman Remove Posters
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a group of three business people going over construction plans.
Business Group Plans
Presentation Clipart
An image of an older man dancing.
Bert Dancing Solo
Presentation Clipart
An image of a silhouette of a businessman carrying a coat and bag.
Businessman Silhouette Coat
Presentation Clipart
The symbols Venus representing the female gender.
Gender Symbol Female
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
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