This animation shows a monster character pointing and laughing hysterically.<br><br>This animation could be used in your PowerPoint presentation to illustrate something that is funny or could place next to a joke to add humorous element.
M Monster Pointing Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
Four figures point and and laugh at a figure that is different.
Figures Making Fun of Blockhead
Presentation Clipart
A businessman laughs at something funny.
Business Grant Emote Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure sits on an open office scanner in the 3D clip art image.
Stick Figure Sitting on Scanner
Presentation Clipart
An image of a young girl sticking out her tongue.
Silly Girl Face
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a young girl sticking out her tongue.
Young Girl Funny Face
PowerPoint Animation
A 3D character makes a funny face and stick out its tongue.
Character Silly
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a monster character laughing histrionically.  This animation could be use in a presentation to call out something that is funny or add next to a joke.
Monster Hysterically Laughing
PowerPoint Animation
Use this video background to achieve your desired results.  Customize the design and make it your own.
Dad Joke Of The Day
Video Background
A court jester strikes a pose to present something. The colors of this clip-art can be customized.
Jester Present Custom
Presentation Clipart
A court jester hops front foot-to-foot then strikes a pose to present something.
Jester Presenter
PowerPoint Animation
A court jest strikes a wobbly handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
PowerPoint Animation
A court jest strikes a handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
Presentation Clipart
A court jester strikes a pose to present something.
Jester Presenter
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a pose.
Jester Pose
Presentation Clipart
A court jest gives a bow.
Jester Bowing
Presentation Clipart
A jester juggles three balls.
Jester Juggle
PowerPoint Animation
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal Present
PowerPoint Animation
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal
PowerPoint Animation
A jester takes a balloon and twists around to create a sign that you can customize.
Jester Present Custom
PowerPoint Animation
Bernice pops out from behind a wall to give a scare and have a laugh, and then point towards the wall.
Bernice Peek A Boo
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a mechanical stick figure walking with key rotating on back.
Wind Up Figure Walking
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure turning a key / wind-up dial on the back of a figure.
Wind Em Up
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure turning a dial on the back of a figure in order to wind them up.
Turn My Dial
Presentation Clipart
An image of a business stick figure walking with a wind-up key rotating on back.
Business Figure Toy Walking
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a business stick figure walking with a wind-up key rotating on back.
Wind Up Business Walking
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a stick figure with a buddy taking a selfie together.
Selfie Buddies
Presentation Clipart
Download this animation of a chicken crossing the road, humorously bringing the classic joke to life. A fun visual punchline with endless charm.
Chicken Crossing Road Animation
PowerPoint Animation
Download this animated clipart of a jolly Santa Claus laughing and moving around, perfect for adding festive cheer to your holiday projects.
Happy Santa Laughing Motion Video
Video Background
Download this Halloween clipart of a reflective character, symbolizing contemplation and challenging preconceived notions of classic horror figures.
Frankenstein Clipart: Reflection and Introspection
Presentation Clipart

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.