A court jester strikes a pose to present something. The colors of this clip-art can be customized.
Jester Present Custom
Presentation Clipart
A court jester hops front foot-to-foot then strikes a pose to present something.
Jester Presenter
PowerPoint Animation
A court jest gives a bow.
Jester Bowing
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a pose.
Jester Pose
Presentation Clipart
A court jest strikes a wobbly handstand pose.
Jester Handstand
PowerPoint Animation
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal Present
PowerPoint Animation
A jester takes a balloon and twists around to create a sign that you can customize.
Jester Present Custom
PowerPoint Animation
A jester juggles three balls.
Jester Juggle
PowerPoint Animation
A jester inflates a balloon then twists it into an animal shape.
Jester Balloon Animal
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure juggling balls.
Clown Figure Juggling
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design  animation shows a clown balancing on a ball while holding a customizable sign.
Clown Balance Holding Sign
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a clown figure balancing on a ball.
Clown Balancing On Ball
PowerPoint Animation
A clown balances on a ball with on foot.
Clown Balancing on Ball
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a clown figure gesturing to the right.
Clown Gesturing To Side
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a clown figure popping out from behind something pointing with figure.
A Pointing Clown Pops Out From Behind
Presentation Clipart
An image of a professional female stick figure presenting with a gesture.
Woman Professional Presenting
Presentation Clipart
An image of a professional male stick figure presenting with a gesture.
Man Professional Presenting
Presentation Clipart
A simple line drawn stick figure presenting or gesturing to its left side.
Line Figure Presents
Presentation Clipart
This animation shows a stick figure behind a podium using a pointer to present.
Stick Figure At Podium With Pointer
PowerPoint Animation
An image of a female stick figure presenting with a pointer.
Woman Teacher Book Point
Presentation Clipart
An image of a male stick figure presenting with a pointer.
Man Teacher Book Point
Presentation Clipart
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing to the left.
Arrow Direction Spin Left
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing to the right.
Arrow Direction Spin Right
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing down.
Arrow Direction Spin Down
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure spinning and catching an arrow pointing up.
Arrow Direction Spin Up
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design video shows a figure walking out and pointing at one side of a board, then flips the board around and points at the other side.  <br><br>  You can customize this video by adding your own text and images using our online customizer.
Figure Presenting Custom Board
Video Background
An image of an figure giving a lesson / presentation to a group of nurses or doctors.
Presenting To Nurses or Doctors
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure gestures as talking to a group a people.
Stick Figure Podium Speech Group
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure points and laughs, slapping his knee.
Figure Laughing and Pointing
PowerPoint Animation

Professionally designed 3D clip art for PowerPoint presentations. All of our images are easily used in any presentation and over any color background. Our images can be downloaded as transparent PNGs. This means they have a clear background and have already been isolated. Simply cut and paste into your presentation or any of our PowerPoint Templates.

Our Clip Art also works great on your web site, blog, Facebook page, mobile applications and more.

Since we are also the artists who make the clipart, we are constantly adding new clip art to PresenterMedia. In fact we add new clip art images nearly every day. We love suggestions from our members, let us know what you'd like to see on PresenterMedia.

Your presentations are going to be amazing! See Plans and Pricing

© 2009-2021 Eclipse Digital Imaging, Inc.

Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.