Tax Time Alarm video design Video Background

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Tax Time Alarm video design

Item #: 26465

Type: Video Backgrounds

It's that time of year again when many people scramble to get their taxes in on time. This video design for tax time can be used to alert people that they need to get their taxes done. The background shows an alarm clock animated graphic going off with the words TAX TIME! in bold letters, letting people know that time is ticking. If you are a business that prepares taxes, use this video background to help get your message across and remind your clients to get their taxes done on time!

Customize the message on this Video by clicking the Customize the Video button, then use the quick text edit to add your needed message. Finally, select File > Download as Video, or download as a .pptx to load into PowerPoint as a video template slide.

Many more video backgrounds await your discovery.


tax time alarm alert reminder notification clock timer financial money record keeping

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