Business and Finance

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An image of a hanging sign.
Window Sign Blank
Presentation Clipart
An image of a hanging sign that says "closed"
Window Sign Closed
Presentation Clipart
An image of a hanging sign that says "open"
Window Sign Open
Presentation Clipart
A business figure sells TVs to a consumer.
stick figure selling TVs
Presentation Clipart
An open head contains a yen symbol. This clip-art can represent someone thinking about money matters.
Yen Inside Head
Presentation Clipart
An open head contains a pound symbol. This clip-art can represent someone thinking about money matters.
Pound Inside Head
Presentation Clipart
An open head contains a euro symbol. This clip-art can represent someone thinking about money matters.
Euro Inside Head
Presentation Clipart
An open head contains a dollar symbol. This clip-art can represent someone thinking about money matters.
Dollar Inside Head
Presentation Clipart
Two green arrow circle a house symbol. This clip-art can represent many things, such as a re-occurring debt.
Arrows Circling House Symbol
Presentation Clipart
Stick figures sit at a conference table looking at a bar graph.
Bar Graph Conference Table
Presentation Clipart
A business figure sells store merchandise to a consumer.
stick figure selling merchanise
Presentation Clipart
An image of a red stick figure having a tug of war with a blue stick figure.
One On One Competition
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure pulling on a rope holding ground with 4 stick figures on the other end.
Holding Your Ground
Presentation Clipart
An image of two teams in a tug of war.
Teams Tug Of War
Presentation Clipart
Two stick figures stand in a boat hauling up a net full of dollars signs.  This clip art could display a concept of striking it rich, finding a fortune, and  loads of success.
Stick Figures Pull In Net Full of Dollar
Presentation Clipart
An image of a yellow sticky note with a sketch of a hand giving a thumbs down.
Yellow Sticky Note Thumbs Down
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure showing the progression of leadership or multiplication.
Down the Chain of Command
Presentation Clipart
Two stick figures on a small boat pull in a huge net full of dollar signs.
Pull In Net Dollar Signs No Water
Presentation Clipart
A crystal ball contains mist in the form of a yen symbol.
Crystal Ball Yen
Presentation Clipart
A crystal ball contains mist in the form of a pound symbol.
Crystal Ball Pound
Presentation Clipart
A crystal ball contains mist in the form of a euro symbol.
Crystal Ball Euro
Presentation Clipart
A crystal ball contains mist in the form of a dollar symbol.
Crystal Ball Dollar
Presentation Clipart
Two stick figures shake hand though a pair of laptop computers.
Stick Figure Laptop Hand Shake
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure drawing a light bulb with pen.
Drawing Light Bulb With Pen
Presentation Clipart
An image of a chalk stick figure with a light bulb above head, symbolizing an idea.
Chalk Figure Light bulb Idea
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure reaches as it places a gold coin on a tall stack.
Stick Figure Stacking Gold Coins
Presentation Clipart
A stick figure carries a large stack of giant gold coins.
Stick Figure Carrying Gold Coins
Presentation Clipart
An image of a stick figure thinking in front of a chalkboard with an illuminated light bulb drawn on it.
What A Great Idea
Presentation Clipart
A news crew cameraman and reporter broadcast a news story.  A concept for breaking news or broadcasting.
News Crew Reporter
Presentation Clipart
An image of a large pile of shipping boxes.
Pile Of Shipping Boxes
Presentation Clipart

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