Clipart Characters and 3D Figures

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In this clip art image a big heart has its arm around a smaller heart showing compassion.
Big Heart Shows Compassion to Small One
Presentation Clipart
A grandmother and granddaughter give each other a hug.
Grandmother Girl Hug
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure being comforted by another.
Figure Comforting Another
Presentation Clipart
Bernice is frustrated with her computer or angry with the content on the screen.
Bernice Frustrated Computer
Presentation Clipart
An teacher glares over her desk with a very angry expression
Bernice Teacher Angry
Presentation Clipart
Bernice relaxes in a lawn chair while on vacation.
Bernice Relax Vacation
Presentation Clipart
A elderly woman sits in a waiting room chair with a sad or concerned look.
Bernice Sad Chair
Presentation Clipart
Bernice motions to her left. Change the color of her clothes using our on-line tools.
Bernice Teacher Point
Presentation Clipart
An elderly woman strikes a happy pose.
Bernice Super Happy
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows an elderly woman tipping over a piggy bank which has spilled out little money.
Bernice Tipping Piggy Bank
Presentation Clipart
An elderly women stretches and exercises.
Bernice Exercise Stretch
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows an elderly lady with hand around a piggy bank.
Bernice Holding Piggy Bank
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image show an elderly woman smile throwing up a peace sign gesture.
Bernice Throwing Peace Sign
Presentation Clipart
An elderly woman gestures her frustration or lack of understanding.
Bernice Puzzled Question
Presentation Clipart
A elderly woman jumps into the air for joy.
Bernice Jump For Joy
Presentation Clipart
An image of a figure pulling out empty pockets.
Figure With Empty Pockets
Presentation Clipart
This clip art image shows a sad figure being showing compassion to another that is sad.
Figure Compassion To Another
Presentation Clipart
A monster stares in fright at something to the side.
Monster Afraid
Presentation Clipart
This custom design clipart shows a superhero gal fly in holding a customizable sign.
Supergal Fly In With Sign
Presentation Clipart
A robot delivers a package. You can change the message on the side of the cardboard box using our on-line tools.
Robot Delivery
Presentation Clipart
A figure lies under a pile of clothes.
Figure Under Pile Clothes
Presentation Clipart
An image of an icon of a dj spinning records.
Dj Mixing Record Silhouette Icon (black)
Presentation Clipart
This custom design clip art image shows a figure looking out from a mountain peek onto another peek in the distance which has markers and a custom sign sits on top.
Figure Looking At Mountain Top Sign
Presentation Clipart
An EMT paramedic stands beside a gurney with a custom sign. You may change the message on the sign using our on-line tools.
Emt Gurney Sign
Presentation Clipart
This custom design clip art shows a firefighter spraying a customizable sign that is on fire.
Firefighter Putting Out Sign Fire
Presentation Clipart
An image of a police officer criminal apprehension.
Figure Arrested Police
Presentation Clipart
This clip art shows a figure sitting on the wrong side of a branch while cutting it.
Cutting Branch Wrong
Presentation Clipart
A policewoman stands guard in front of a computer monitor, You may customize the message on the monitor using our on-line tools.
Police Officer Cyber Security
Presentation Clipart
A policewoman stands with a stop sign with a custom message. You can change the message using our on-line tools.
Police Officer Stop Sign
Presentation Clipart
A policewoman points to a message on a clipboard. You can customize the message using our on-line tools.
Police Officer Clipboard
Presentation Clipart

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