Clipart Characters and 3D Figures

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In this clipart image, a young boy is dressed appearing as a vampire and a young girl is dressed appearing as a witch for Halloween.  They are both posed standing next to each other holding up pumpkin shaped candy buckets.  Use this clipart image for your Halloween season presentations.
Young Witch and Vampire Candy Bucket
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a young girl is dressed appearing as a witch.  She is posed holding a broom in one hand and a pumpkin shaped candy bucket in the other hand.  She is holding it up, appearing to be trick or treating.  She has a happy smile on her face.  Use this clipart image for all of your Halloween themed presentations.
Young Witch Candy Bucket
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a ghost is appearing from behind a large tombstone, while two other gravestones are off in the distance.  Use this clipart image for all of your spooky, haunted, or Halloween themed presentation needs.
Ghost Behind Tombstone
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features three spooky looking gravestones.  R.I.P is written on two of the gravestones, while one is in the shape of a cross.  They all rest on small mounds of dirt.  Use this clipart image for all of your spooky, haunted, or Halloween themed presentation needs.
Group of Tombstones
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a skeleton is raising the lid of a coffin and sitting up.  The coffin is made out of wood and appears to be old.  There are large spiderwebs hanging from the edges of the coffin.  Use this clipart image for all of your spooky presentations.
Skeleton In Coffin
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a plastic pumpkin bucket is laying on it's side next to a large pile of candy.  It appears to be candy from trick or treating, and the candy has spilled out onto the ground.  Use this clipart image for all of your spooky halloween presentation needs.
Pumpkin Bucket Candy
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a small  pile of candy corn.  This favored seasonal treat will look great on all of your Halloween themed projects, or go well with fall themed seasonal presentations.
Candy Corn
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a spooky ghost is appearing behind an illuminated jack-o-lantern pumpkin.  The ghost appears to be flying towards the viewer.  This clipart image would be a great addition to all of your spooky Halloween themed presentations.
Ghost and Pumpkin
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a skeleton hand is reaching out from the inside of an old coffin and starting to slide the cover back.  The coffin is old and made of wood.  Large spiderwebs are hanging from the outside.  Use this image for all of your spooky presentations.
Skeleton Hand Reaching Out
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, an old wooden coffin is placed on the ground.  Clinging to the old wooden coffin are multiple large spiderwebs.  The lid is securely fastened shut.  Use this image for all your spooky Halloween presentation needs.
Coffin Spider Webs
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a small pile of candy corn and candy pumpkins.  Use this clipart image for all of your fall and Halloween presentation needs.
Candy Corn and Candy Pumpkin
Presentation Clipart
This clipart image features a pumpkin shaped candy bucket used for trick-or-treating.  The handle is positioned up as if it were just set down, or ready to be picked up and filled with candy.  Use this clipart image for all of your spooky Halloween needs.
Halloween Pumpkin Candy Bucket
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, small amounts of candy corn and candy pumpkins are placed in opposite corners, framing in the center of the image.  The layout directs the viewers attention to the center of your presentation.  The center has been left blank to add your own fall or Halloween themed content.
Fall Candy Border
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, a young girl appearing as a witch is posed standing and holding a large carved pumpkin, with a happy smile on her face. The pumpkin has a standard jack o lantern carving.  Use this clipart image for all of your Halloween or Fall themed presentation need.
Young Witch Holding Pumpkin
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the Businesswoman character Jada is posed with a red string tied around her index finger, as she tries to remember something she forgot. A concept of forgetfulness or a reminder to remember something.
Businesswoman Forgetful String Reminder
Presentation Clipart
A business fox looks through a magnifying glass.
Business Fox Female Searching
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the businessman character Brad is in the process of assembling a flowchart. He is mounting another section of the chart in place, and there is a small stack of extra pieces next to him on the ground. Use this clipart image for presentations involving flowcharts, processes, management, and more.
Businessman Assemble Flow Chart
Presentation Clipart
A business fox looks through a magnifying glass.
Business Fox Male Searching
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the young character Chloe is climbing a staircase made out of large books, while setting goal marking flags along the way. Use this clipart image for presentations involving setting goals, achievements, objectives, and more.
Chloe Books Setting Goals
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, businesswoman Kim is looking at her hand, which is positioned out in front of her. She has an expression of joy and relief, as she sees the string tied to her index finger as a reminder of something important. Use this clipart image for presentations involving importance, reminders, memos, and more.
Businesswoman String Reminder
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the businesswoman character Kim has fallen asleep while sitting at her desk. Her eyes are closed while her head rests on her arms atop her desk.
Businesswoman Asleep At Desk
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the presentation businessman character Ethan is posed sitting in a meditative position on top of his work desk. Use this clipart image for presentations involving stress management, motivation, relaxation, and more.
Businessman Meditation At Desk
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the Businessman character Brad is posed with a red string tied around his index finger, as he tries to remember something he forgot. A concept of forgetfulness or a reminder to remember something.
Businessman Forgetful String Reminder
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, Businessman Ethan is planting mulitple flags along a a curved path. Each flag is a numbered goal, to represent achievements to accomplish along an overall path or direction.
Businessman Setting Multiple Goals
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the young character James is climbing a staircase made out of large books, while setting goal marking flags along the way. Use this clipart image for presentations involving setting goals, achievements, objectives, and more.
James Books Setting Goals
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, businessman Brad is looking at his hand, which is positioned out in front of him.  He has an expression of joy and relief, as he sees the string tied to his index finger as a reminder of something important.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving importance, reminders, memos, and more.
Businessman String Reminder
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the businesswoman character Kim is in the process of assembling a flowchart.  She is mounting another section of the chart in place, and there is a small stack of extra pieces next to her on the ground.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving flowcharts, processes, management, and more.
Businesswoman Assemble Flowchart
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the presentation businesswoman Kim is posed sitting in a meditative position on top of her work desk.  Use this clipart image for presentations involving stress management, motivation, relaxation, and more.
Businesswoman Meditation At Desk
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, Businesswoman Jada is planting mulitple flags along a a curved path.  Each flag is a numbered goal, to represent achievements to accomplish along an overall path or direction.
Businesswoman Setting Multiple Goals
Presentation Clipart
In this clipart image, the businessman character Brad has fallen asleep while sitting at his desk.  His eyes are closed while his head rests on his arms atop his desk.
Businessman Asleep At Desk
Presentation Clipart

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