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Customizable Cardboard Box Clipart

Item #: 30163

Type: Presentation Clipart

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Storing Memories and Aspirations

The image displays a three-dimensional cardboard box with the phrases "Store in Attic" and "Hopes & Dreams" printed on its sides. The box appears sealed with tape and has a shadow, suggesting it sits on a surface.

Customization Options

By clicking the 'Customize this Item' button above, you can personalize this clipart according to your needs. You can change the text on the cardboard box, add an image that resonates with your message, or delete elements to simplify the design. This level of customization ensures that each user can tailor the clipart perfectly for their unique context and message delivery.

Read more details...

This image represents the concept of storage and the sentimental value often attributed to items we keep. It evokes the idea of treasuring personal belongings that hold memories, which we may not need daily but choose to save for emotional reasons. The text "Hopes & Dreams" adds a symbolic layer, implying that what is stored might be intangible aspirations or desires. Overall, it symbolizes preservation, both practical and emotional.

Whys to use this clipart image in Presentation

  • Illustrate concepts of organization and decluttering in a home or office setting.
  • Emphasize the importance of preserving historical documents or sentimental items.
  • Discuss storage solutions for businesses or personal use.
  • Metaphorically represents storing ideas or plans for future projects.

Utility in Media Design Projects

The transparent PNG background of this image makes it incredibly versatile for media design projects. It allows designers to place this clipart over various backgrounds without unsightly borders, ensuring seamless integration into different designs. This feature is particularly useful when creating layered compositions or when the image needs to be placed over complex patterns or textures without losing its visual impact.

Add this clipart image of a cardboard box taped shut with editable text on its sides into one of our PowerPoint templates to create a visual focal point that accompanies your presentation slide message. The customizable text allows you to convey your key points effectively. Additionally, you can find many more standout Presentation Clipart options for enhancing your visual aids.


cardboard box shipping ship package storage sentimental belongings memories aspirations

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