This Presentation Clipart shows a preview of Sad Frown Face Word Cloud

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Sad Frown Face Word Cloud

Item #: 26787

Type: Presentation Clipart

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Why the Sad Face?

Sadness is a universal emotion we all experience at some point in our lives. While it is normal to feel sad from time to time, some people experience more severe and prolonged periods of sadness that can interfere with their daily lives. This Sad Frown Face Word Cloud can be used to help communicate the feelings associated with sadness, depression, and other negative emotions. The Sad Frown Face shape contains words related to being sad or depressed. Add or delete any words by customizing this Sad Word Cloud template. This word cloud can be used in presentations, posters, and other materials to help raise awareness about the effects of sadness and depression

word cloud wordcloud sadness sad depressed frown unhappy emotion

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