PowerPoint Animations

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A magnify glass looks at different a houses.
Searching For The Right House
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure shrugs that it has no idea.
Stick Figure Shrugging
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of two computers swapping information.
Files Transfer to Computer
PowerPoint Animation
An injured stick figure walks with a limp.
Stick Figure Limping
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure pushing a help button.
Stick Figure Help Button
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure pushing up a colored block onto a stack of blocks.
Pushing Up Box
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of two stick figures picking each others brains.
Picking One Anothers Brain
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation a plant grows from the grown up and sprouts leaves.<br><br>Also remember that the first frame this animation is blank, so it will appear as a blank image until you view(play) your slide show in PowerPoint.
Plant Growing
PowerPoint Animation
A question mark button glows off and on.
Question Mark Glow
PowerPoint Animation
A exclamation mark button glows on and off.
Exclamation Point Glow
PowerPoint Animation
A team of stick figures present their work to their team leader.
Stick Figures Reporting To Manager
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of an EMT giving CPR to a figure in business attire.
Emt Cpr Compressions
PowerPoint Animation
A satellite transmits a signal as it floats in space.
Satellite Transmitting
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a ghost stick figure walking.
Ghost Figure Walking
PowerPoint Animation
An information button glows off and on.
Information Button Glow
PowerPoint Animation
A up arrow button glows on and off.
Up Arrow Button Glow
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of the devil thrusting a pitchfork.
Devil Up To No Good
PowerPoint Animation
A skull and crossbones floats inside a green droplet of poison coming from a faucet.
Poison Faucet
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of an angel and demon in a rope tug of war.
Good Evil Wrestle
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of two complementary curved arrows going in a circle.
Arrows Spinning Chase
PowerPoint Animation
Sands in an hourglass fall on a stick figure stuck insides. This animation can represent someone having a deadline.
Stick Figure In Hourglass
PowerPoint Animation
Two business figures in a heated argument point at each other in a accusing manner.
Business Figures Accusing Anim
PowerPoint Animation
A date flies in and hits the middle of a target on a calendar date page.  <br><br> This animation is made to only loop one time. 
<a href="http://www.presentermedia.com/blog/2010/07/set-number-loops-animated-gif/"> Learn how to set the number of loops here.</a>
Hit Target Date - Non Looping
PowerPoint Animation
A businessman in a suit holds a shield while brandishing a sword. This animation can represent battling in the business world.
Businessman Sword Shield
PowerPoint Animation
An angry group bullies a helpless victim.
Stick Figure Group Bullying
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a keyhole and though it is a world of serenity.
Keyhole To Serenity
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation four students take a test with one being totally distracted by a butterfly that has entered the area.
Stick Figure Student No Focus
PowerPoint Animation
In this animation an angry stick figure lashes out in violence at another figure by choking them.
Choking Out Stick Figure
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a computer tower with lights glowing bright.
Computer Power Display Glowing
PowerPoint Animation
A 3d stick figure expresses anger and frustration by uttering stylized curses.  Generic symbols are used to indicate inappropriate speech.
Figure Swearing
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.