PowerPoint Animations

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This animation shows many light bulbs popping up going into the distance.
Idea Light Bulbs Pop Up
PowerPoint Animation
Phone showing a message conversation with someone.
Phone SMS Messaging
PowerPoint Animation
2D cloud icon flying in from side of screen.
2D Motion Cloud Icon
PowerPoint Animation
Light bulb popping up and turning on.
2D Motion Light Bulb Icon
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a large business stick figure reaching down to the "little people" with a handshake.
Thank You Little Man
PowerPoint Animation
Warning Icon Image
PowerPoint Animation
Tablet flying in and screen shining.
2D Motion Tablet Icon
PowerPoint Animation
Lock flies in from bottom unlocks and locks.
2D Motion Lock Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D paperclip flies in from side of screen.
2D Motion Paperclip Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D message icon pops in and 3 dots load in.
2D Motion Message Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D location pin dropping in and bouncing from top.
2D Motion Location Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D heart popping in and beating twice.
2D Motion Heart Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D gears flying in from opposite sides of the screen then rotating.
2D Motion Gears Icon
PowerPoint Animation
2D mail icon flying in from side.
2D Motion Mail Icon
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of two hands shaking through two separate computer screens.
Business Greeting Online
PowerPoint Animation
Calculator animation flies and settles in center.
2D Motion Calculator Icon
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a processing window on a smart phone with upload and download arrows and a spinning progress wheel.
Smart Phone Processing
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows and up and down arrow with a spinning wheel in the middle.
Download Upload Process
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a doctor/pharmacist figure scratching head in confusion.
Doctor\Pharmacist Figure Confused
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a construction worker figure scratching head in confusion.
Construction Worker Confused
PowerPoint Animation
This clip art image shows a stylized on a rope fall and dangle.  You can customize the face of the cloud with your own message and add your own images.
Custom Cloud on Rope Fall
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a bucket constantly pouring out water.
Water Pouring From Bucket
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows one bucket above pour water into another bucket below.
Water Bucket Transfer
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a bingo ball cage spin and the colored ball come out.
Bingo Ball Color Winner
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure taking a selfie.
Selfie - I Love Me
PowerPoint Animation
This custom design animation zooms in on a magic fortune ball that your custom design displays in the balls window.
Custom Magic Fortune Ball
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows a credit card being run through a smart phone card reader.
Smart Phone Swiper Processing
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows one figure bending over backwards to shake another figure hand.
Bending Over Backwards Handshake
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a phone with a blank square discussion box with room to put your custom text and design. You can also change the color of the screen and custom text bubble.
Smart Phone Custom Popup Box
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a popup bubble box. There is room to add your own custom text and design. You can also change the color of the border.
Popup Custom Box
PowerPoint Animation

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Quality PowerPoint Templates, Animations, videos, and 3D Clipart.
PowerPoint® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.