Symbols and Signs

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Orange footprints appear in this animated clipart.
Orange Footsteps Walking
PowerPoint Animation
The flag of China waves in this animated clipart.
China Flag Flying
PowerPoint Animation
A blue letter P bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Bouncing P
PowerPoint Animation
A blue letter E bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Bouncing E
PowerPoint Animation
A blue letter C bounces up and down in this animated clipart.
Bouncing C
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the letter L in this animated alphabet clipart.
Fire Blaze L
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the letter D in this animated alphabet clipart.
Fire Blaze D
PowerPoint Animation
Gold shimmer across the number 9 in this animated clipart.
Gold Streak 9
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the number 2 in this animated clipart.
Fire Blaze 2
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the letter X in this animated alphabet clipart.
Fire Blaze X
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the letter W in this animated alphabet clipart.
Fire Blaze W
PowerPoint Animation
Flames engulf the number 4 in this animated alphabet clipart.
Fire Blaze 4
PowerPoint Animation
Gold shimmers across the letter Y in this animated alphabet clipart.
Gold Streak Y
PowerPoint Animation
Gold shimmers across the letter P in this animated alphabet clipart.
Gold Streak P
PowerPoint Animation
Gold shimmers across the letter R in this animated alphabet clipart.
Gold Streak R
PowerPoint Animation
A rotating Yield street sign in this animated clip art.
Yield Sign Spinning
PowerPoint Animation
A black awareness ribbon is wrapped around a flickering white candle in this animated clipart.
Black Ribbon Candle Flicker
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a USB drive releasing from the cap.
USB Drive Ready
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure beggar holds a tin can and a worn painted sign. This clip-art can represent someone in need.
Beggar Holding Can and Sign
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure beggar holds a tin can and a worn painted sign. This clip-art can represent someone in need.
Beggar Holding Can and Sign Text
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a stick figure hanging from a street sign ,that you can add custom text to, giving a thumbs up.
Hanging Off A Custom Street Sign
PowerPoint Animation
A group of silver cubes with blue cubes emerging from the rest. This clip-art can represent a team standing-out from the rest.
Cubes Stand Out
PowerPoint Animation
An image of Kazakhstan's flag waving.
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure jumping up and down holding a sign that you are  able to put your own custom text on.
Stickman Jumping With Blank Sign Text
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure is administering a Rorshach inkblot test.
Figure Hold Inkblot Test
PowerPoint Animation
Blowing wind with floating cloud
Wind Weather Icon
PowerPoint Animation
Change the color of the swinging light bulb to fit your presentation.
Swinging Light Bulb
PowerPoint Animation
An animation of a split open round shell with core exposed.
Core Exposed
PowerPoint Animation
A stick figure touching each star to give a 1 out of 5 rating.
Push 1 Of 5 Stars (Looping)
PowerPoint Animation
This animation shows the Central African Republic flag at a perspective angle waving.
Central African Republic Anim Flag
PowerPoint Animation

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